Navigating Beachbody on demand (BOD)

Watch the video for a tour of our wonderful site!

choosing the right program for you

Factors to consider:

  • Your fitness level: BOD programs are ranked in bars. One bar programs are for beginners; two bars are intermediate; three bars are advanced. Consider your current level of fitness and make sure the level of the BOD program your considering is appropriate.

  • The duration you'd like your workout to be each day. The programs run from 20 to 60+ minutes a day. Check the calendars to know what you're committing to.

  • The equipment you have. You will want to look at the getting started section of the program you're interested in to make sure you are equipped for success.

  • Whether you need the support of a team. Can you go it alone and choose any program, or would you do better in a group of folks completing the same program?

  • Don't be afraid to change. If you get into a program and find it's not for you, let's try another. Starting with a workout you "enjoy" is critical to success!

What to do before you begin day one

  • weigh in - we don't live on the scale on this team, but it's good to know your starting point

  • take measurements - use the tracker for your program in the "materials" section, or in the app

  • take before photos - we're talking the nearly-naked, too tight bathing suit, I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DO THIS pics! Take it as a video and get some screenshots. You'll use this to montior progress FAR more often than the scale

  • commit to your nutrition program (UPF/2BM) and do any preparation you may need

    • consider ordering the program of your choice and studying it before or as you begin

  • print any tracking sheets and calendars you might need

  • make sure you have the equipment you need or plans to modify

  • put your workouts ON YOUR CALENDAR! This is non-negotiable time and you are worth it! Keep the appointment with yourself like you would any doctor appointment or meeting.

Getting support

  • Your coach is your greatest resource! You should be able to reach out in a message and get a response.

  • If you are not receiving a response, please call or email Shelby: 208.484.1427/ Shelby is the team lead and ultimately responsible for the success of PPN members!


  • PPN - Power Play Nation - the name of our team!

  • BOD - Beachbody on Demand - the website that houses all fitness and nutrition videos

  • NSV - Non-Scale Victory - the progress and growth successes that are not based on a number on your scale

  • hybrid - when two or more programs are merged into a joint calendar

  • UPF - Ulitmate Portion Fix - the nutrition program created by Autumn Calebrese which is based on portion sizes and macros

  • 2BM - 2B Mindset - the nutrition program created by Ilana Mulstein which focuses on the 2 Bunnies: "water first", "veggies most" and is more about plating than portions