Navigating Beachbody on demand (BOD)
Watch the video for a tour of our wonderful site!
choosing the right program for you
Factors to consider:
Your fitness level: BOD programs are ranked in bars. One bar programs are for beginners; two bars are intermediate; three bars are advanced. Consider your current level of fitness and make sure the level of the BOD program your considering is appropriate.
The duration you'd like your workout to be each day. The programs run from 20 to 60+ minutes a day. Check the calendars to know what you're committing to.
The equipment you have. You will want to look at the getting started section of the program you're interested in to make sure you are equipped for success.
Whether you need the support of a team. Can you go it alone and choose any program, or would you do better in a group of folks completing the same program?
Don't be afraid to change. If you get into a program and find it's not for you, let's try another. Starting with a workout you "enjoy" is critical to success!
What to do before you begin day one
weigh in - we don't live on the scale on this team, but it's good to know your starting point
take measurements - use the tracker for your program in the "materials" section, or in the app
take before photos - we're talking the nearly-naked, too tight bathing suit, I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DO THIS pics! Take it as a video and get some screenshots. You'll use this to montior progress FAR more often than the scale
commit to your nutrition program (UPF/2BM) and do any preparation you may need
consider ordering the program of your choice and studying it before or as you begin
print any tracking sheets and calendars you might need
make sure you have the equipment you need or plans to modify
put your workouts ON YOUR CALENDAR! This is non-negotiable time and you are worth it! Keep the appointment with yourself like you would any doctor appointment or meeting.
Getting support
Your coach is your greatest resource! You should be able to reach out in a message and get a response.
If you are not receiving a response, please call or email Shelby: 208.484.1427/ Shelby is the team lead and ultimately responsible for the success of PPN members!
PPN - Power Play Nation - the name of our team!
BOD - Beachbody on Demand - the website that houses all fitness and nutrition videos
NSV - Non-Scale Victory - the progress and growth successes that are not based on a number on your scale
hybrid - when two or more programs are merged into a joint calendar
UPF - Ulitmate Portion Fix - the nutrition program created by Autumn Calebrese which is based on portion sizes and macros
2BM - 2B Mindset - the nutrition program created by Ilana Mulstein which focuses on the 2 Bunnies: "water first", "veggies most" and is more about plating than portions